Monday, 11 November 2013

perfect pressies...

I love Christmas time and everything about it. I love catching up with friends I may have not seen too often over the last few months. I love spending more time with my family. I love visiting my cousins and aunts and uncles, I love the food, the mulled wine and of course the presents. I'm one of those people that prefers giving rather than receiving presents, because I'm a pretty practical person I usually have a list of the things I would like to receive rather than people spending money on things I may not use. This sounds pretty blunt but I just don't see the point in money being spent on something I won't appreciate or use. My mom now loves this plan and she still insists on buying me a few little surprises every year which I love too. After all it is the thought that counts.

Here are a few of my favourite gift ideas, I love personal gifts and a gift which has a story behind it.

Personalised Pottery from Emma Bridgewater

Any of my friends that have gotten married or had babies know my love for gifting Emma Bridgewater. I worked for this company for three years and in that time fell head over heels in love with the products. I know, I know a fascination with pottery is a bit nerdy but when you see how each piece is made and the planning and designing and painting and love and care that goes into every piece from factory to shop floor you can't help but fall for it a little bit. All the pieces are hand painted or hand sponged and the personalised pieces are made to order so every mug really is made specifically for the person you want to give it too. What a nice thought. Even my dad has grown pretty overprotective of his "Jim" mug. Don't tell him I said that...

Name necklace

Any lady that has watched Sex and the City will know Carrie and her deep love for her "Carrie" necklace. I never thought too much of it as I'm not a big necklace wearer but recently have found myself looking up these pieces more and more often. Such a simple piece that can be worn every day. I think it would be a really lovely idea to get one made for yourself and one for a friend too so you get to share the name necklace buzz together.

Photo calendar

I made my mom a personalised photo calendar last year filled with pictures of me and my little brother from when we were growing up. It didn't cost a lot but after seeing her reaction I would gladly pay ten times the price again. Anyone that knows my moms knows that she cries, a lot, she cries when she's happy and when she's sad which has become a bit of a running joke in our house. Poor Mom. But she loved this calendar and there were definitely happy tears on Christmas morning in our house.


I LOVE STEAMCREAM. It's plain and simple. this stuff is awesome. You may have read an earlier post that I did on Steamcream and if you haven't you need to check it out. Steamcream makes the perfect gift anytime of the year but especially at Christmas in Ireland when it is cold and blustery and hands and faces need a little TLC. Keep an eye out for some festive tins aswell as some great deals they run on their website.

My other favourite idea when it comes to giving presents is to make up little boxes filled with lots of small presents. Most of the excitment with opening presents comes from the anticipation of unwrapping the paper so it's even more exciting when you find you have ten little things to open instead of just one.

Be creative when giving gifts and give something you would be happy to receive yourself.

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