Wednesday, 16 October 2013

hair chalked hair...

I'm fortunate enough to have been blessed with beautiful red hair. I love the colour of my hair, I'm not so precious about the styling and cutting of it though and most of the time just take a scissors to it myself rather than going to the salon to get it done. I know most people love sitting back and having someone style and cut their beautiful tresses but I'm more of a quick chop will sort it out kinda gal, I've even had Billy cut my hair for me recently into a nice think long bob.

Being a country girl and spending most of the time from when I was 10 to 18 with my hair stuck under a horse riding helmet also means I never really got into dying my hair. I much preferred to spend all my money on new jodhpurs or riding boots and looking back I'm pretty thankful I never took this costly habit up, however I sometimes am pretty envious of my friends chopping and changing hair colour with the seasons.

I did once use a semi-permanent sachet of dye on my hair while at a sleep over with the girls. I think we were supposed to leave them in for 20-30 mins but we were too busy watching Leonardo Di Caprio in Titanic to notice the time slip by and my hair did go a pretty luminous orange for a wash or two. Another time I had the girls try to dye chunks of my hair black with permanent dye. It seemed like a great idea at the time but to my disappointment the dye just washed straight out. I gave up trying to colour my hair after this. Never could stomach the idea of having my hair bleached so I looked for new methods to change my do.

I dabbled in coloured hair extensions a couple of times and quite liked my royal blue highlights. My friend Rose got a neon pink one too but hers was short lived once it had encountered the hair straightener.

Recently I have discovered feather hair extensions and and I have to say that I'm pretty taken with these. Yes maybe a little bird like but who cares. They look awesome. So many colours and so cheap on ebay too. It's for this reason that I have amassed a collection of over fifty different feathers. If you get the real feathers they can also be curled and straightened and treated just like your own hair so pretty low mantainence for someone like me. Once they start to grow out you can just remove them and place them back in closer to the roots. Easy Peasy.

My latest discovery is hair pastels. I bought some off ebay, advertised as "hair pastels" but when they arrived they were just your average run of the mill artist pastels but they work just as well and were a fraction of the cost for a much greater variety of colours.

While I'm still working in the city I can't go too wild but at Christmas we are going to New Zealand for a month so I plan to have rainbow hair mixed with feathers for the duration. Embrace my inner hippy. The pastels are so easy to apply and will wash out too although I believe they may stay in lighter coloured hair for a little longer but hey you're only young once and even if your not young, what's stopping you.

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