Wednesday, 18 September 2013

a bobby pin revelation...

So I'm guessing for us ladies bobby pins form the basis for almost any hairstyle we choose to create. I don't think I could leave the house without an emergency stash in my purse or thrown into the end of my handbag but I bet that like me, most of you have been using them incorrectly, that is until now.

I know you're thinking how is this possible but believe me when I discovered the correct way to use them my hairdoing days were changed forever.

I have always put the bobby pins in with the wavy side facing up but have recently been told that this is wrong. The waves are created so that when placed in side down they grip the hair underneath and keep everything from sliding out of place. Such a simple change can make the world of difference. It means that the need to repin your hair throughout the day is eliminated and the hairdo you style in the morning is the one you go home with in the evening.

Make the change and you'll notice the difference. Happy Pinning!

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